
The Brahma of India

"In the East, as the pillar of Wisdom, this Deity was called Brahma; in the West, as the pillar of Strength, Vishnu; and in the South, as the pillar of Beauty, Siva, and hence, in the Indian initiations the representative of Brahma was seated in the East, that of Vishnu in the West and that of Siva in the South." - Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 158

"Osiris or the sun was now worshipped throughout the whole world, though under different names. He wag the Mithra of the Persians, the Brahma of India, the Baal or Adonis of the Phoenicians, the Apollo of the Greeks, the Odin Of Scandinavia, the Hu of the Britons, and the Baiwe of the Laplanders." - THE THE VEIL OF ISIS; OR, MYSTERIES OF THE DRUIDS BY W. WINWOOD READE. (1861)

Says John A. Weiss, M.D., in his "Obelisk and Freemasonry:" "According to our reading of history, the Priesthoods of Belus, or Baal in Assyria, of Osiris in Egypt, of Jehova in Palestine, of Jupiter in Greece and Rome, of Ahura-Mazda in Persia, or Brahma in India, and of Teutates in Britain, were Primitive Secret Societies, who instructed and governed the primitive families and races." - Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 84

"They were introduced, so says tradition, into India by Brahma, into China and Japan by Buddha, into Egypt by Troth, the son of Mizraim (some say by Mizraim himself), into Persia by Zeradhust, into Greece by Melampus or Cadmus, into Boeotia by Promospus or Dardanus, into Messene by Caucon, into Thebes by Methapus, into Athens by Erectheus, into Etruria by Philostratus, into the city of Arene by Lycus, into Thrace by Orpheus, into Italy by the Pelasgi, into Cyprus by Cinyras, into Gaul and Britain by Gomer, or his immediate Descendants, into Scandinavia by Sigge or Odin, into Mexico by Vitzliputzli, and into Peru by Manco Cap" - Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 129


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