Jordan Maxwell

Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. -


Jordan Maxwell was born as Russell Joseph Pine.

Jordan says "you've got to do your homework."Here are some words and terms he suggests you research on your own: -  taken from his old official website

"...we find that, in the Nazarene Cosmogony, the names of their powers and genii stand in the following relations to those of the Gnostics:

[[Column 1]]


...Second Trinity. (The manifestation of the first.)

1. Lord MANO — the King of Life and Light — Rex Lucis. First LIFE, or the primitive man.

2. Lord Jordan — manifestation or emanation of Jordan Maximus — the waters of grace. Second LIFE.

3. The Superior Father — Abatur. Third LIFE. " - Isis Unveiled by H. P. Blavatsky — Vol. 2 pg 295

Jordan Maxwell That Old-Time Religion IVONA Text-to-Speech 

Part 1

Part 2


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