A.A.S.R. Degrees
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Degrees
Blue Lodge, 1°-3°
1º - Apprentice
2º - Fellow-craft
3º - Master
Lodge of Perfection, 4°-14°
4º - Secret Master
"(From 4º - Secret Master Lectrue) Q. Who does a brother represent, presenting a mark and receiving assistance?
A. Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, who was a poor man, but for his regular and upright deportment, his great skill in architecture and the sciences, became eminently distinguished among the craftsmen."-Duncan's Ritual And Monitor Of Freemasonry by Malcolm C. Duncan
5º - Perfect Master
6º - Intimate Secretary
7º - Provost and Judge
8º - Intendant of the Building
9º - Elu of the Nine
"(From 9º - Elu of the Nine Lectrue) Q. What did they do with the body?
A. They carried it to the temple and buried it in due form. And masonic tradition informs us that there was a marble column erected to his memory, upon which was delineated a beautiful virgin weeping; before her lay a book open, in her right hand a sprig of acacia, in her left an urn, and behind her stood Time with his fingers unfolding the ringlets of her hair.
Q. What do these hieroglyphical figures denote?
A. The broken column denotes the untimely death of our Grand Master Hiram Abiff; the beautiful virgin weeping, the temple unfinished; the book open before her, that his virtues lie on perpetual record; the sprig of acacia in her right hand, the timely discovery of his body; the urn in her left, that his ashes were then safely deposited to perpetuate the remembrance of so distinguished a character; Time unfolding the ringlets of her hair, that time, patience, and perseverance accomplish all things."-Duncan's Ritual And Monitor Of Freemasonry by Malcolm C. Duncan
"(From 9º - Elu of the Nine Lectrue) Q. How many grand masonic pillars are there?
A. Three
Q. What are they called?
A. Wisdom, Strength and Beauty.
Q. Why are they so called?
A. Because it is necessary there should be wisdom to contrive, strength to support, and beauty to adorn, all great and important undertakings.
Q. By whom are they represented?
A. By Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abiff, who were our first three Most Excellent Grand Masters.
Q. Why are they said to represent them?
A. Solomon, King of Israel, represents the pillars of wisdom, because by his wisdom he contrived the superb model of excellence that immortalized his name; Hiram, King of Tyre, represents the pillar of strength, because he supported King Solomon in this great and important undertaking; Hiram Abiff represents the pillar of beauty, because by his cunning workmanship, the temple was beautified and adorned."-Duncan's Ritual And Monitor Of Freemasonry by Malcolm C. Duncan
10º - Elu of the Fifteen
"(From 10º - Elu of the Fifteen Initiation) Brother Joabert, in the legends of masonry, the greatest enemy of Hiram or Truth is called Akirop, or Jubelum. He had two companions to whom various names have been given. You, brother Joabert, have pursued and destroyed them all three. They represent, first, ignorance or darkness, second, superstition or error, third, egotism or ambition.
In the legend or mythology of the Persians, they were Ahiriman’ or the evil principle attended by darkness and chaos. In the mysteries of the Egyptians, they were Typhon the enemy and assassin of Osiris assisted by Serapis and Amenthis. Among the Greeks they were Titan, Python and Chimera.
Many myths of the overthrow of the enemies of man and nature were invented. Now it is Jupiter, seconded by Apollo and Pan. Now it is Ormuzd, aided by the Amshospands and Szeds. They all agree in fixing the period of the victory in the zodical sign of Capricornus, when the sun begins his ascension and when nature resumes her work of annual reproduction. In the degree of Elect of Nine of which you have passed, you have learned that Jubelum (Akirop) one of the ruffians, was killed in a cave. That skeleton in the East is a representation of him, with a setting maul with which he was armed when he knocked down Hiram Abiff. His head Solomon had embalmed in order to be exposed until the other two were found out.
Six months after Akirop was killed, Bengabee one Solomon’s Intendants, made inquiry in the country of Cheth, tributary to Solomon, when he learned that Jubela, (Guibs) and Jubelo, (Gravelot) the two other assassins had retired there, thinking themselves safe."-Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated: The Complete Ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by a Sovereign Grand Commander, 33 Jonathan Blanchard pg. 199-200
11º - Elu of the Twelve
12º - Master Architect
13º - Royal Arch of Solomon
14º - Perfect Elu
"Morals and Dogma was traditionally given to the candidate upon his receipt of the 14th degree of the Scottish Rite. This practice was stopped in 1974. Morals and Dogma has not been given to candidates since 1974. A Bridge to Light, by Rex R. Hutchens, is provided to candidates today. Hutchens laments that Morals and Dogma is read by so few Masons. A Bridge to Light was written to be "a bridge between the ceremonies of the degrees and their lectures in Morals and Dogma." - Morals And Dogma By Albert Pike Under Biography
"(From 14º - Perfect Elu Initiation) Senior Grand Warden — Joabert, Stolkin, Terry, Morphey, Alycuber, Dorson, Herim, Berthemar, Tito, Zerbal, Benachard and Tabor, the first nine were those who were elected to search for the traitor Jubelum (Akirop), one of the assassins of Hiram Abiff."-Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated: The Complete Ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by Sovereign Grand Commander, 33 & Jonathan Blanchard pg. 341
Chapter of Rose Croix, 15°-18°
15º - Knight of the East
16º - Prince of Jerusalem
17º - Knight of the East and West
In the Scotch Rite, the 17th Degree: Knights of the East and West, is one of the Apocalypse and Christian grades. This degrees scared word is Abaddon.
And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. - Revelation 9:11 King James Version
18º - Knight Rose Croix
"This (the Degree of the Rose Croix) is the ultimate of the Thirty-third Degree, for three times three are nine, and one plus eight is nine. Nine being the highest degree in the Lesser Mysteries, he who has passed this degree of the genuine Mystic Order is then, and then only, the widow’s son of nine, or Nain, ready to be raised by the strong grip of the Lion of Judah’s paw, to the Kingdom of the Heavens, there to receive the “well done, thou good and faithful servant,” “enter into the joy of your Lord,” for “Him that overcometh will I make a Pillar in the House of God, thence he shall no more go out.” He is then immortal, loosed from the wheel of Birth and Death." - Freemasonry And Catholicism By Max Heindel pg. 95
Council of Kadosh, 19°- 30°
19º - Pontiff
20º - Master of the Symbolic Lodge
21º - Noachite or Prussian Knight
22º - Knight of the Royal Axe or Prince of Libanus
23º - Chief of the Tabernacle
24º - Prince of the Tabernacle
25º - Knight of the Brazen Serpent
26º - Prince of Mercy
27º - Knight Commander of the Temple
28º - Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept
29º - Scottish Knight of St. Andrew
30º - Knight Kadosh
"...the history of the Knights Templar is revealed to him. It is also explained to him that the Knights Kadosh do not fight to revenge DeMolay. Rather, they fight in the present world to oppose tyranny and to protect the weak. And then, it is essentially left to him. He knows what tyranny is. He has been made aware that a king, a president, a congress, or a school board can enforce it. He has been assured that tyranny is not something that happened only in the past; it is something which happens every day in his world. He may encounter examples of it a dozen times a day, and a dozen times a day he will have to decide whether to let tyranny continue or to oppose it. If he truly understands the 30th Degree, he realizes that he has undertaken a very great responsibility. But a true Knight Kadosh also understands that if no one fights, the battle is lost before it starts." - Knight of Kadosh, or Knight of the White and Black Eagle by Jim Tresner, 33° Grand Cross
Consistory, 31°- 32°
31º - Inspector Inquistor
32º - Master of the Royal Secret
"This interpretation is borne out in the higher Degrees of sublime Masonry. Thus, in the thirty-second, or Degree of Prince of the Royal Secret, according to the Continental nomenclature, the following analogies are explained: "The symbolical mystery of the death of (Hiram Abiff) represents that of the Messiah; for the three (blows) which were given to him at the three gates of (the Temple) allude to the three points of condemnation against Christ at three separate places, viz.: before Caiaphas. Herod, and Pilate. It was from the last that he was led to that most violent and excruciating death. The three (blows) were given with the three (tools, i.e., gauge, square, and gavel). These are symbols of the blow on the cheek of Christ, the flagellation, and the blow with the spear. Some substitute for the latter, but with less propriety, the crown of thorns. The brethren assembled around the grave of (Hiram Abiff) is a representation of the disciples lamenting the death of Christ. The Word, which was said to be lost, was pronounced upon the cross, which the Jews could not comprehend. The false brethren are represented by Judas, who proved false to his Master; and the sprig of cassia represented the cross, of which wood it is said to have been composed."--Historical Landmarks, vol. ii. p. 176."-Duncan's Ritual And Monitor Of Freemasonry by Malcolm C. Duncan
Court of Honour
33° - Sovereign Grand Inspector General
The 33rd degree is the highest degree in Scottish Rite Freemason. A 32nd degree Scottish Rite have do their best toward the furtherance of the Great Work in order to attain the 33rd degree, which can only be attained by meritorious work to bring about the completion of the Great Work, which is the destruction of the church, the state and the enslavement of the mob, which is all of us.
Here you can see a few members of the 33rd degree.
Blue Lodge, 1°-3°
1º - Apprentice
2º - Fellow-craft
3º - Master
Lodge of Perfection, 4°-14°
4º - Secret Master
"(From 4º - Secret Master Lectrue) Q. Who does a brother represent, presenting a mark and receiving assistance?
A. Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, who was a poor man, but for his regular and upright deportment, his great skill in architecture and the sciences, became eminently distinguished among the craftsmen."-Duncan's Ritual And Monitor Of Freemasonry by Malcolm C. Duncan
5º - Perfect Master
6º - Intimate Secretary
7º - Provost and Judge
8º - Intendant of the Building
9º - Elu of the Nine
"(From 9º - Elu of the Nine Lectrue) Q. What did they do with the body?
A. They carried it to the temple and buried it in due form. And masonic tradition informs us that there was a marble column erected to his memory, upon which was delineated a beautiful virgin weeping; before her lay a book open, in her right hand a sprig of acacia, in her left an urn, and behind her stood Time with his fingers unfolding the ringlets of her hair.
Q. What do these hieroglyphical figures denote?
A. The broken column denotes the untimely death of our Grand Master Hiram Abiff; the beautiful virgin weeping, the temple unfinished; the book open before her, that his virtues lie on perpetual record; the sprig of acacia in her right hand, the timely discovery of his body; the urn in her left, that his ashes were then safely deposited to perpetuate the remembrance of so distinguished a character; Time unfolding the ringlets of her hair, that time, patience, and perseverance accomplish all things."-Duncan's Ritual And Monitor Of Freemasonry by Malcolm C. Duncan
"(From 9º - Elu of the Nine Lectrue) Q. How many grand masonic pillars are there?
A. Three
Q. What are they called?
A. Wisdom, Strength and Beauty.
Q. Why are they so called?
A. Because it is necessary there should be wisdom to contrive, strength to support, and beauty to adorn, all great and important undertakings.
Q. By whom are they represented?
A. By Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abiff, who were our first three Most Excellent Grand Masters.
Q. Why are they said to represent them?
A. Solomon, King of Israel, represents the pillars of wisdom, because by his wisdom he contrived the superb model of excellence that immortalized his name; Hiram, King of Tyre, represents the pillar of strength, because he supported King Solomon in this great and important undertaking; Hiram Abiff represents the pillar of beauty, because by his cunning workmanship, the temple was beautified and adorned."-Duncan's Ritual And Monitor Of Freemasonry by Malcolm C. Duncan
10º - Elu of the Fifteen
"(From 10º - Elu of the Fifteen Initiation) Brother Joabert, in the legends of masonry, the greatest enemy of Hiram or Truth is called Akirop, or Jubelum. He had two companions to whom various names have been given. You, brother Joabert, have pursued and destroyed them all three. They represent, first, ignorance or darkness, second, superstition or error, third, egotism or ambition.
In the legend or mythology of the Persians, they were Ahiriman’ or the evil principle attended by darkness and chaos. In the mysteries of the Egyptians, they were Typhon the enemy and assassin of Osiris assisted by Serapis and Amenthis. Among the Greeks they were Titan, Python and Chimera.
Many myths of the overthrow of the enemies of man and nature were invented. Now it is Jupiter, seconded by Apollo and Pan. Now it is Ormuzd, aided by the Amshospands and Szeds. They all agree in fixing the period of the victory in the zodical sign of Capricornus, when the sun begins his ascension and when nature resumes her work of annual reproduction. In the degree of Elect of Nine of which you have passed, you have learned that Jubelum (Akirop) one of the ruffians, was killed in a cave. That skeleton in the East is a representation of him, with a setting maul with which he was armed when he knocked down Hiram Abiff. His head Solomon had embalmed in order to be exposed until the other two were found out.
Six months after Akirop was killed, Bengabee one Solomon’s Intendants, made inquiry in the country of Cheth, tributary to Solomon, when he learned that Jubela, (Guibs) and Jubelo, (Gravelot) the two other assassins had retired there, thinking themselves safe."-Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated: The Complete Ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by a Sovereign Grand Commander, 33 Jonathan Blanchard pg. 199-200
11º - Elu of the Twelve
12º - Master Architect
13º - Royal Arch of Solomon
14º - Perfect Elu
"Morals and Dogma was traditionally given to the candidate upon his receipt of the 14th degree of the Scottish Rite. This practice was stopped in 1974. Morals and Dogma has not been given to candidates since 1974. A Bridge to Light, by Rex R. Hutchens, is provided to candidates today. Hutchens laments that Morals and Dogma is read by so few Masons. A Bridge to Light was written to be "a bridge between the ceremonies of the degrees and their lectures in Morals and Dogma." - Morals And Dogma By Albert Pike Under Biography
"(From 14º - Perfect Elu Initiation) Senior Grand Warden — Joabert, Stolkin, Terry, Morphey, Alycuber, Dorson, Herim, Berthemar, Tito, Zerbal, Benachard and Tabor, the first nine were those who were elected to search for the traitor Jubelum (Akirop), one of the assassins of Hiram Abiff."-Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated: The Complete Ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by Sovereign Grand Commander, 33 & Jonathan Blanchard pg. 341
Chapter of Rose Croix, 15°-18°
16º - Prince of Jerusalem
17º - Knight of the East and West
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Scotch Rite masonry illustrated : the complete ritual of the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite profusely illustrated by Blanchard, Jonathan, 1811-1892; Scottish Rite (Masonic order) |
In the Scotch Rite, the 17th Degree: Knights of the East and West, is one of the Apocalypse and Christian grades. This degrees scared word is Abaddon.
And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. - Revelation 9:11 King James Version
18º - Knight Rose Croix
"This (the Degree of the Rose Croix) is the ultimate of the Thirty-third Degree, for three times three are nine, and one plus eight is nine. Nine being the highest degree in the Lesser Mysteries, he who has passed this degree of the genuine Mystic Order is then, and then only, the widow’s son of nine, or Nain, ready to be raised by the strong grip of the Lion of Judah’s paw, to the Kingdom of the Heavens, there to receive the “well done, thou good and faithful servant,” “enter into the joy of your Lord,” for “Him that overcometh will I make a Pillar in the House of God, thence he shall no more go out.” He is then immortal, loosed from the wheel of Birth and Death." - Freemasonry And Catholicism By Max Heindel pg. 95
Council of Kadosh, 19°- 30°
19º - Pontiff
20º - Master of the Symbolic Lodge
21º - Noachite or Prussian Knight
22º - Knight of the Royal Axe or Prince of Libanus
23º - Chief of the Tabernacle
24º - Prince of the Tabernacle
25º - Knight of the Brazen Serpent
26º - Prince of Mercy
27º - Knight Commander of the Temple
28º - Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept
29º - Scottish Knight of St. Andrew
30º - Knight Kadosh
"...the history of the Knights Templar is revealed to him. It is also explained to him that the Knights Kadosh do not fight to revenge DeMolay. Rather, they fight in the present world to oppose tyranny and to protect the weak. And then, it is essentially left to him. He knows what tyranny is. He has been made aware that a king, a president, a congress, or a school board can enforce it. He has been assured that tyranny is not something that happened only in the past; it is something which happens every day in his world. He may encounter examples of it a dozen times a day, and a dozen times a day he will have to decide whether to let tyranny continue or to oppose it. If he truly understands the 30th Degree, he realizes that he has undertaken a very great responsibility. But a true Knight Kadosh also understands that if no one fights, the battle is lost before it starts." - Knight of Kadosh, or Knight of the White and Black Eagle by Jim Tresner, 33° Grand Cross
Consistory, 31°- 32°
31º - Inspector Inquistor
32º - Master of the Royal Secret
"This interpretation is borne out in the higher Degrees of sublime Masonry. Thus, in the thirty-second, or Degree of Prince of the Royal Secret, according to the Continental nomenclature, the following analogies are explained: "The symbolical mystery of the death of (Hiram Abiff) represents that of the Messiah; for the three (blows) which were given to him at the three gates of (the Temple) allude to the three points of condemnation against Christ at three separate places, viz.: before Caiaphas. Herod, and Pilate. It was from the last that he was led to that most violent and excruciating death. The three (blows) were given with the three (tools, i.e., gauge, square, and gavel). These are symbols of the blow on the cheek of Christ, the flagellation, and the blow with the spear. Some substitute for the latter, but with less propriety, the crown of thorns. The brethren assembled around the grave of (Hiram Abiff) is a representation of the disciples lamenting the death of Christ. The Word, which was said to be lost, was pronounced upon the cross, which the Jews could not comprehend. The false brethren are represented by Judas, who proved false to his Master; and the sprig of cassia represented the cross, of which wood it is said to have been composed."--Historical Landmarks, vol. ii. p. 176."-Duncan's Ritual And Monitor Of Freemasonry by Malcolm C. Duncan
Court of Honour
33° - Sovereign Grand Inspector General
The 33rd degree is the highest degree in Scottish Rite Freemason. A 32nd degree Scottish Rite have do their best toward the furtherance of the Great Work in order to attain the 33rd degree, which can only be attained by meritorious work to bring about the completion of the Great Work, which is the destruction of the church, the state and the enslavement of the mob, which is all of us.
Here you can see a few members of the 33rd degree.
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