The Lost Word

The Lost Word Found (Masonic) Dr. J. D. Buck

The Lost Word (of Freemasonry) By Bro. Arthur Caswell Parker 33°

The college, the adepts, the initiates, the priests were scattered all over the world when Seth, the son of Noah, came with an army and defeated Nimrod, and this is where the legend really comes from because Seth chopped Nimrod up into little pieces and scattered him all over the land.

In the legend of the Osirian cycle, Osiris was chopped into fourteen pieces. Isis came to put him back together again and bring him to life. She could find all the pieces save one, the phallus, or the generative force. It is now known as the Lost Word Freemasonry, and the phallus is represented by the obelisk, the monolith.

"The priests lost the Word, the name of the Flame." - The Initiates of the Flame (1922) Manly Hall pg. 8

Osiris body representing the Secret Doctrine is divided into fourteen parts. It is the penis, the generative force, the phallus, the obelisk, which is lost. It represents Lost Word of Freemasonry, it represents the Luciferian philosophy. It represents the light, the sun, Lucifer the intellect.

It had been thrown into the river and devoured by three fishes. The three fishes represent ignorance, superstition, and fear or the church, the state, and the mob. The force and the power in the age Pisces, the fish, was Christianity, and the fish referrers to Christianity. Isis reproduced the penis in gold.

"the cosmic story of CHiram, the Universal Benefactor, the Fiery Architect: of the Divine House, who carries with him to the grave that Lost Word which, when spoken, raises all life to power and glory. According to Christian mysticism, when the Lost Word is found it is discovered in a stable, surrounded by beasts and marked by a star."-The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall pg. 77-81

Hiram Abiff, the chief architect of King Solomon’s Temple, who was murdered by three ruffians during an unsuccessful attempt to force him to divulge the Master Masons Lost Word.

"before he (Hiram) expired he hid the hammer and disc upon which he had inscribed the Word. This was never found until ages later when Hiram, “the widow’s Son,” was reborn as Lazarus and became the friend and pupil of the Lion of Judah, who raised him from death through initiation. When the hammer was found it had the shape of a cross, and the disc had become a rose. Therefore he took his place among the immortals under the symbolical name Christian Rosenkreuz" - Freemasonry And Catholicism By Max Heindel pg. 41

"Now according to our ancient traditions upon the slain Hiram's rod was the full name of Deity, or perhaps the first and most important syllable. His rod was essential not only in forming the ineffable word but in completing the right angle."-The Lost Word By Bro. Arthur C. Parker

"CHiram when raised from his grave whispers the Master Mason's Word"-The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall pg. 77-81

"The Word, which was said to be lost, was pronounced upon the cross, which the Jews could not comprehend. The false brethren are represented by Judas, who proved false to his Master; and the sprig of cassia represented the cross, of which wood it is said to have been composed."--Historical Landmarks, vol. ii. p. 176."-Duncan's Ritual And Monitor Of Freemasonry by Malcolm C. Duncan


"This golden phallus is the three‐lettered word of Freemasonry concealed under the letters A‐U‐M."- Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians, by Manly Hall pg. 152

"Hindoos we have the om, and the a, u, m, indicating different methods of pronouncing the Sacred name." - Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 46

"The Trinity in man lives in the three great chambers of the human body, from which they radiate their power throughout the three worlds. These centers are the brain, the heart, and the reproductive system. These are the three main chambers of the pyramid and also the rooms in which arc given the Entered Appentrice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason's degrees of Blue Lodge Masonry. In these three chambers dwell the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, who are symbolized by the three-lettered word, AUM. The transmutation, regeneration, and unfoldment of these three great centers result in the sounding of the Lost Word, which is the great secret of the Masonic Order. From the spinal nerves come impulses and life forces which make this possible. Therefore the Mason is told to consider carefully his substitute word, which means "the marrow of the bone."" Anatomy of Man Manly P. Hall pg. 8

"the Master’s word mahabone and has him whisper the word back, cautioning the new Master that the word must only be passed in this position, called the “five points of fellowship.” As the newly raised Master Mason learns the Master’s word, the blindfold is removed."- Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry by John J. Robinson Pg. 215-223

"Some Masonic historians take the allegory literally, almost always a mistake, and state that what was lost was the "word" of the Grand Master, or the "secrets" of the Master. What the Templars had lost, literally, was their wealth, respect, and power..."- Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry by John J. Robinson Pg. 274

True Word

"The True Word of a Mason is to be found in the concealed and profound meaning of the Ineffable Name of Deity communicated by God to Moses" - Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 51

"This tradition of the Ineffable Name is brought into Masonry from the Hebrew Kabalah,"- Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 48 (see Kabbalah and Freemasonry)

"Diodorus says that the name given by Moses to God was ΙΑΩ. Theodorus says that the Samaritans termed God IABE, but the Jews ΙΑΩ. Philo Byblius gives the form ΙΕΥΩ; and Clemens of Alexandria ΙΑΟΥ. Macrobius says that it was an admitted axiom among the Heathen, that the triliteral ΙΑΩ was the sacred name of the Supreme God. And the Clarian oracle said: "Learn thou that ΙΑΩ is the great God Supreme, that ruleth over all." The letter Ι signified Unity. Α and Ω are the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet." - Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike pg. 700-701

"the so-called Lost Word is not a Word, but refers to a Force, Power or Energy, resulting from careful training and Spiritual Development." - The Philosophy Of Fire By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 52

"The exact science of human regeneration is the Lost Key of Masonry, for when the Spirit Fire is lifted up through the thirty-three degrees, or segments of the spinal column, and enters into the domed chamber of the human skull, it finally passes into the pituitary body (Isis), where it invokes Ra (the pineal gland) and demands the Sacred Name. Operative Masonry, in the fullest meaning of that term, signifies the process by which the Eye of Horus is opened. " - The Secret Teachings of All Ages By Manly P. Hall pg. 252


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