Knights Templar
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These are self proclaimed fighting monks with one horse for two men. The Knight Templars was a communist group. They gave all they had to the order and was gave what they was needed. |
"Nine knights, nine 'poor' knights, appeared as if from nowhere and - among all the other crusaders swarming about the Holy Land - promptly had the king's quarters turned over to them! Nine 'poor' knights - without admitting any new recruits to their ranks - presumed, all by themselves, to defend the highways of Palestine. And there was no record at all of them actually doing anything, not even from Fulk de Chartres, the king's official chronicler, who must surely have known about them!" - The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln Pg. 73
"The Order of Knights of the Temple was founded in the year 1113 by Gottfried von St. Omar, Hugo de Paiens, and seven others whose names are not known." - Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 105
"The Order of Knights Templars was founded in 1118 by Hugh de Payen and Geoffrey of St. Omer, together with seven other French knights then stationed in Palestine. These gentlemen were motivated by aion to guard the roads of Christian pilgrimage to the shrine of the Holy Land. During the first nine years of the Order, the Templars lived in extreme poverty. Hugh de Payen and Geoffrey of St. Omer had but one war horse between them. This circumstance was perpetuated on the great seal of the Templars, which consisted of two knights seated on one charger. The influence of the Order increased rapidly, for it appealed to the concepts of chivalry which dominated the minds of the time.
In 1128 the Council of Troyes graciously acknowledged its motives and principles, and St. Bernard prepared a code for the spiritual and temporal guidance of the knights. Pope Honorius confirmed the Order of the Temple, and appointed a white mantle as the distinguishing habit. Later Eugenius III added a red cross to be worn affixed to the breast. They also had a banner made of stripes of red and black cloth. The members were bound by severe obligations. They took vows of poverty, ate only the coarsest of foods, and were denied the simplest of pleasures, even those of the hunt. When not warring against the enemies of Christ and the Church, they lived in monastic seclusion in the various houses of retreat which had been assigned to them. Here they divided their attentions between such religious activities as prayer and penace, and such practical concerns as "furbishing their armor and mending their clothes."
They were forbidden the common military recrea tion of gambling, and could not even play chess. Candidates for initiation gave all their property and personal goods to the Order. Thus, while each was individuality poor, the body as a whole became enormously rich. The principal officer of the Templars was the Grand Master, and, as the worldly estates of the body increased, he ranked as a prince at all the courts of Europe.
Each new member took vows of chastity and obedience. "I swear," said the novice, "to consecrate my thoughts, my energy, and my life, to the defense of the unity of God and the mysteries of the faith. . . . I promise to be submissive and obedient to the Grand Master of the Orden"
Eliphas Levi and several other authors and historians advance the belief that Hugh de Payees had been initiated into a strange sect of Christian Johannites then flourishing in the East." -Orders of the Quest, The Holy Grail (Adept Series) by Manly P. Hall pg 28-30
"He (Bertrand de Blanchefort) wrote the ‘Retraits’, which specified the hierarchical usages and actions of the Master. In other words, de Blanchefort differentiated the Templar ranks based on the status and mission of each dignitary and member. It also specified that the Master could no longer decide the collective future of the Order without the agreement of the General Chapter." -
Due to each member given all their worldly possessions to the Templar they became exceedingly wealthy and know as the first international bankers.
Pope Clement called for papal hearings to determine the Templars' guilt or innocence, and once freed of the Inquisitors' torture, many Templars recanted their confessions. Some had sufficient legal experience to defend themselves in the trials, but in 1310 Philip blocked this attempt, using the previously forced confessions to have dozens of Templars burned at the stake in Paris.
"Philippe planned his moves carefully. A list of charges was compiled, partly from the king's spies who had infiltrated the Order, partly from the voluntary confession of an alleged renegade Templar. Armed with these accusations, Philippe could at last move; and when he delivered his blow, it was sudden, swift, efficient and lethal. In a security operation worthy of the SS or Gestapo, the king issued sealed and secret orders to his seneschals throughout the country. These orders were to be opened everywhere simultaneously and implemented at once. At dawn on Friday, October 13th, 1307, all Templars in France were to be seized and placed under arrest by the king's men, their preceptories placed under royal sequestration, their goods confiscated.
But although Philippe's objective of surprise might seem to have been achieved, his primary interest - the Order's immense wealth - eluded him. It was never found, and what became of the fabulous 'treasure of the Templars' has remained a mystery." -The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln Pg. 63
Charges Against The Knights Templar
The Knights Templar did idolize or reverence Baphomet.
"This is the same force which the Knights Templars were accused of worshiping under the name of the Goat of Mendes. The astral light is the sphere of sorcery or what the ancients termed “infernal magic.” The ruler of this sphere is the great fire prince, Samael, who is supposed to have taken upon himself the form of a serpent when he seduced Eve." - Atlantis: An Interpretation Manly P. Hall pg.18
"there seems to have been some basis for them. Subjected to interrogation by the Inquisition, for example, a number of knights referred to something called 'Baphomet' - too many, and in too many different places, for Baphomet to be the invention of a single individual or even a single preceptory...
...In any case, we found indisputable evidence for the charge of secret ceremonies involving a head of some kind. Indeed the existence of such a head proved to be one of the dominant themes running through the Inquisition records." -The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln Pg. 69
“Of all the charges levelled against the Templars, the most serious were those of blasphemy and heresy - of denying, trampling and spitting on the cross. It is not clear precisely what this alleged ritual was intended to signify - what, in other words, the Templars were actually repudiating.
Were they repudiating Christ? Or were they simply repudiating the Crucifixion? And whatever they repudiated, what exactly did they extol in its stead? No one has satisfactorily answered these questions, but it seems clear that a repudiation of some sort did occur, and was an integral principle of the Order.
One knight, for example, testified that on his induction into the Order he was told, 'You believe wrongly, because he [Christ] is indeed a false prophet. Believe only in God in heaven, and not in him.'
Another Templar declared that he was told, 'Do not believe that the man Jesus whom the Jews crucified in Outremer is God and that he can save you.'
A third knight similarly claimed he was instructed not to believe in Christ, a false prophet, but only in a 'higher God'. He was then shown a crucifix and told, 'Set not much faith in this, for it is too young.'
Such accounts are frequent and consistent enough to lend credence to the charge. They are also relatively bland; and if the Inquisition desired to concoct evidence, it could have devised something far more dramatic, more incriminating, more damning. There thus seems little doubt that the Templars' attitude towards Jesus did not concur with that of Catholic orthodoxy, but it is uncertain precisely what the Order's attitude was. In any case, there is evidence that the ritual ascribed to the Templars -trampling and spitting on the cross - was in the air at least half a century before 1307. Its context is confusing, but it is mentioned in connection with the Sixth Crusade, which occurred in 1249. " -The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln Pg. 72
"The clergy were dispersed with the persecution that ensued, but as the secular arm did not touch them
as it did the Knights, they managed to rescue many of their secret writings, and when the Knights sought refuge in Scotland, they founded a chapter at Aberdeen, the first Prior of which was Petrus de Bononia. The Science was disseminated from this place, but very cautiously, first to Italy, then to the extreme North (Sweden and Russia) and France. In Italy Abbot Severin had been the guardian of the True Science. " - Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 75
"significant number of members escaped and took up residence on pirate ships or remained as fugitives. Their underground organization of fraternal aid in keeping members of the Order alive and hidden form the Inquisition evolved into "Freemasonry." Both the Christian church and Phillip IV were able to confiscate the property and holdings of the Templars following the arrests and murders by the" - Joy of Satan compiled by: Logan McDonnell Information by: Pg. 328
"Among these Templars (that escaped) were many Rosicrucians who handed the secret knowledge down from initiate to initiate, and as the Rosicrucian Fraternity has never been abolished from any country, for very good reasons, the secret science has never been disconnected, as it were, as has been the case with every Order " - Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 75
"In any case, whether the Templars were warned in advance or whether they deduced what was in the wind, certain precautions were definitely taken. In the first place the knights who were captured seem to have submitted passively, as if under instructions to do so. At no point is there any record of the Order in France actively resisting the king's seneschals.
In the second place there is persuasive evidence of some sort of organised flight by a particular group of knights - virtually all of whom were in some way connected with the Order's Treasurer. It is not perhaps surprising, therefore, that the treasure of the Temple, together with almost all its documents and records, should have disappeared. Persistent but unsubstantiated rumours speak of the treasure being smuggled by night from the Paris preceptory, shortly before the arrests." -The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln Pg. 63
"the new pontiff's mother was Ida de Blanchefort, of the same family as Bertrand de Blanchefort" - The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln Pg. 81
Ida de Blanquefort was the mother of Bertrand de Got which later became Pope Clement V. This leads many to think that Pope Clement V warned some of the Knights Templar helping a few escape with their treasure which was never found.
"There is a legend held by some authorities and rejected by others that in 1314 Jacques de Malay, realizing that his end was near, appointed Johannes Marcus Lormenius to be his successor."-Orders of the Quest, The Holy Grail (Adept Series) by Manly P. Hall pg 35
"Jacques de Molay, foreseeing the misfortunes that threatened the Order, appointed as his successor Brother Jean Marc Larmenius, of Jerusalem, and with magisterial power. This Grand Master passed on the supreme power to Brother Theobald, of Alexandria, as is evidenced by the character of transmission, etc."- Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 115
"..Scotland, therefore, the Order was never technically dissolved. Many English and, it would appear, French Templars found a Scottish refuge, and a sizeable contingent is said to have fought at Robert Bruce's side at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314. According to legend -and there is evidence to support it - the Order maintained itself as a coherent body in Scotland for another four centuries. In the fighting of 1688-91, James II of England was deposed by William of Orange. In Scotland supporters of the beleaguered Stuart monarch rose in revolt and, at the Battle of Killiecrankie in 1689, John Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee, was killed on the field. When his body was recovered, he was reportedly found to be wearing the Grand Cross of the Order of the Temple - not a recent device supposedly, but one dating from before 1307.
In Lorraine, which was part of Germany at the time, not part of France, the Templars were supported by the duke of the principality. A few were tried and exonerated. Most, it seems, obeyed their Preceptor, who reputedly advised them to shave their beards, don secular garb and assimilate themselves into the local populace. In Germany proper the Templars openly defied their judges, threatening to take up arms. Intimidated, their judges pronounced them innocent; and when the Order was officially dissolved, many German Templars found a haven in the Hospitallers of Saint John and in the Teutonic Order.
In Spain, too, the Templars resisted their persecutors and found a refuge in other orders." -
The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln Pg.65-66
The Military Order of Christ
The Military Order of Christ (previously Ordem dos Cavaleiros de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo "Order of the Knights of Our Lord Jesus Christ") was founded in 1318 as the continuation of the Knights Templar of Tomar, following the suppression of the Templars in 1312.
After 1417, by King John I of Portugal's request to the Pope, Prince Henry the Navigator (1417–1460) became the order's Grand Master.
"In Portugal the Order was cleared by an inquiry and simply modified its name, becoming Knights of Christ. Under this title they functioned well into the sixteenth century, devoting themselves to maritime activity. Vasco da Gama was a Knight of Christ, and Prince Henry the Navigator was a Grand Master of the Order. Ships of the Knights of Christ sailed under the familiar red pattee cross. And it was under the same cross that Christopher Columbus's three caravels crossed the Atlantic to the New World. Columbus himself was married to the daughter of a former Knight of Christ, and had access to his father-in-law's charts and diaries." - The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln Pg.66
Note: The Knights Templar as part of their escape created, merged, and joined with other orders more details in he link below.
The Knights Templar and Other Orders
The Knights Templar and Prieure de Sion ('Priory of Sion')
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The symbol of the Knights Templar’s Red Cross originally came from the “Mark of Cain”. This symbol had been created over 5,000 years ago in ancient Summerian times and had been used by the followers of the One God of the “Lord” until they arrived, guided by Moses, in Palestine from Egypt. |
The ships used by Christopher Columbus in 1492 when he left Spain were named la Santa Clara, la Pinta, la Santa Maria/Gallega. On the sails you can see the same Red Cross that was used by The Knights Templars.
Philip Gardner in his book Secrets of the Serpent, in Search of the Sacred Past said this in regards to the birthmark and Templar the Mark of Cain and the Templar’s croix pattee:And St. Paul himself in Galatians 6: 17 states, “Let no-one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.” Is this the original mark of Cain, who we have found to be of the serpent tribe? The idea of this sign or mark is widespread once discovered.
"Whether a strict Latin or a Templar croix pattee, it is a memorable symbol, especially seen on a stark white background. Seen in relation to the ‘mark’of Cain or the Merovingian birth-mark, or even the Templar cross, they all seemingly relate one way or another to the snake.”
"Ormus and his initiates had taken the red cross as their identifying symbol four centuries before Merovee (founder of the Merovingian Holy Grail dynasty) was born with the red cross birthmark above his heart. The Knights Templar adopted Merovee's red cross six centuries later. To emulate the Templars, the Priory of Sion took the red cross of Ormus as its own emblem, then adopted the title l'Ordre de Ia Rose-Croix Veritas, which means "The Order of the mie Red Cross." This additional name was added at the behest of Sion's Grand Master, Jean de Gisors.Thus, Jean de Gisors is considered the founder of the Rose-Croix, or Rosicrucians." - Scarlet and the Beast by John Daniel
"He (Merovee) was the first in a series of kings called the Merovingian bloodline. It is said that the offspring of Merovee were noted for a birthmark above the heart - a small red cross. This symbol eventually became the emblem of the Guardians of the Grail." - Scarlet and the Beast by John Daniel
"The acacia was also the host of a special breed of mistletoe with a flame-red flower; Not only was that mistletoe-which not only stayed green, but actually bore its fruit in the winter-a strong symbol of immortality in itself, but many believe that the acacia, covered, with a blanket of fiery mistletoe blossoms, was the "burning bush" of the Old Testament. In addition, the Egyptian acacia bears a red and white flower, a reminder of the Templar colors, based upon a,white mantle with red cross."- Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry by John J. Robinson Pg. 270-271
"there is no question that some of Nostradamus’s prophecies were not prophecies but referred,quite explicitly, to the past to the Knights Templar, the Merovingian dynasty, the history of the house of Lorraine." - Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent
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