Luciferian Philosophy
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Age of Innocence
Life first began to emerge, first in the form of plants, and then animal life, and that the animals and early man lived in harmony together in a state of innocence. Primitive man in the form of an ape living in a state of innocence with the animals only eating plants and roots. The primitive man as an ape never hurt the animals and the animals never hurt the primitive man. In the Bible, this is when man lived in the Garden of Eden. Man is innocent with the animals as a vegetarian not knowing good or evil.
"At first men enjoyed the blessings of nature as children do, without inquiring into causes. It was sufficient for them that the earth gave them herbs, that the trees bore them fruit, that the stream quenched their thirst. They were happy, and every moment though unconsciously they offered a prayer of gratitude to Him whom as yet they did not know."- The The Veil Of Isis; Or, Mysteries Of The Druids By W. Winwood Reade. (1861)
Evolution of man
Then, Adam and Eve was imparted the gift of intellect and freed by the serpent by eating the forbidden fruit.
Initiates in the Mystery Schools teach that Christ and Lucifer are brothers or even one and the same being.
"the impartation of knowledge to man, the forbidden knowledge, by Lucifer through his agent, Satan. For in the religion of the Mystery Schools, they believe that man was held prisoner in the Garden of Eden by an unjust and vindictive God, and that man was not told by this unjust and vindictive God that he could have the same powers. And man was set free from the bonds of ignorance by Lucifer through his agent, Satan. And many believe that the two are the same, and that’s OK, because maybe they are. And that, through the gift of intellect, man, himself, will become God. " - William Copper The Dawn of Man HOTT
"The so-called curse pronounced upon Eve after her confession stipulates that she must bear her children in sorrow and pain and that the race will die...
...“How can I bear a child seeing I know not a man?” etc., it is very evident that the Tree of Knowledge is a symbolical expression of the creative act"- Freemasonry And Catholicism By Max Heindel pg. 15
“THE MASONIC LEGEND has points of variance from as well as agreement with the Bible story. It states that Jehovah created EVE, that the Lucifer Spirit SAMAEL united with her but that he was ousted by Jehovah and forced to leave her before the birth of her son Cain, who was thus THE SON OF A WIDOW. Then Jehovah created ADAM, to be the husband of Eve, and from their union Abel (Later, known as Sons of Seth) was born. Thus from the beginning there have been two kinds of people in the world. One begotten by the Lucifer Spirit Samael (Sons of Cain) and partaking of a semi-divine nature imbued with the dynamic martial energy inherited from this divine ancestry, is aggressive, progressive, and possessed of great initiative, but impatient of restraint or authority whether human or divine.“ – Freemasonry And Catholicism By Max Heindel pg. 18
"King Hiram, of Tyre, the descendent of Cain, who selected Hiram Abiff, the son of a widow, (as all Free Masons are called because of the relation of their divine progenitor with Eve)." - Freemasonry And Catholicism By Max Heindel pg. 21
The New Age
There is only one man the illumined man that is able to make this evolutionary jump. The Mystery Schools call this illumined man 666. It is the number of a man. This new man will go into the future and the rest of us will perish. Those left will be as slave labor until no longer useful, and then simply exterminated for this future Utopia.
"Hori Term used by highest level freemasons only who believe they are the “eyes of Osiris,” to avenge the destruction of wisdom by overthrowing Christianity with majick. They want to accomplish consummation of the Great Work of rising an illumined man of wisdom over selfishness, that is, the man of revelation, the man's number being 666.” -
Great Seal of the United States
“The two sides of America’s seal express in Heraldry the countless ages of the evolution of man. This evolution had its beginning even before the time of the so‐called or misinterpreted ‘fall’ of man. The seal symbolizes man’s progress in Egypt (eagleland ‐‐ America’s actual fatherland) where, for a time, a wondrous race incarnated to build an unexplainable and inconceivable monument as a symbol of, and memorial to, the knowledge imparted to her by the more ancient Atlantis.” – The Teachings of the Masters, the Wisdom of the Ages Swinburne Clymer
Stanley Kubrick's film 2001: A Space Odyssey is a clear depiction of the Luciferian Philosophy.
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