The Sun
Osiris is the symbol of the sun, primordial knowing, the gift of intellect, Lucifer, the light.
"Osiris was the sun, Isis the moon. Typhon was the symbol of winter, which destroys the fecundating and fertilizing powers of the sun, thus, as it were, depriving
him of life.- Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 134
"The three lights that the Altar [inside the Masonic Temple] represent Osiris, Isis and Horus. Osiris was represented by the Sun."– Albert Pike
Horus was known as the child or the young Osiris. When the sun set in the west, when it rose the next morning it had rose as the young Horus. Then, as the sun it went across the sky, it became Osiris, and then the elder. Horus at his peak strength at noon and Horus the elder.
"In the Tabernacle the brethren clothed in black, mourn Osiris, who is representative of the sun, of light, of life,of good and beauty. They reflect upon the way the earth may again be gladdened by his presence."- Hutchens
"The brother and slayer of Osiris, in the Egyptian mythology. As Osiris was a type or symbol of the sun, Typhon was the symbol of winter, when the vigor, heat, and, as it were, life of the sun are destroyed, and of darkness as opposed to light."- Albert G Mackey 33°, “Encyclopedia of Freemasonry”
I.N.R.I. is itself associated with the posture of the cross, ‘The Sign of Osiris Slain.'
L.V.X. L for Isis V for Apophis - the serpent of chaos; X for Osiris - 'Sigin of Osiris Risen.’
"Osiris represented the male, active or generative powers of nature"– The origin of Freemasonry and Knights templar by Bennett, John Richardson, (1907) pg. 9
The dual principle (The Hermetic Marriage) of "male" and "female" [in Masonic teachings] is represented by the "square and compass." The "compass" represents OSIRIS,the male god of the Egyptians, while the "square" is the symbol representing ISIS, the female goddess of Egypt - both are sexual symbols. (Taken from: Ragon's Cours. Philosophique page 102.)
"It is generally admitted by modem Masonic scholars that the story of the martyred CHiram is based upon the Egyptian rites of Osiris, whose death and resurrection figuratively portrayed the spiritual death of man and his regeneration through initiation into the Mysteries."-The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall pg. 77-81
"The principal seat of the Mysteries was at Memphis, in the neighborhood of the great Pyramid (within the Pyramid). They were of two kinds, the greater and the less; the former being the mysteries of Osiris and Serapis; the latter those of Isis." - Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 130
Says John A. Weiss, M.D., in his "Obelisk and Freemasonry:" "According to our reading of history, the Priesthoods of Belus, or Baal in Assyria, of Osiris in Egypt, of Jehova in Palestine, of Jupiter in Greece and Rome, of Ahura-Mazda in Persia, or Brahma in India, and of Teutates in Britain, were Primitive Secret Societies, who instructed and governed the primitive families and races." - Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 84
The Osirian Mysteries parallel the other Mysteries. “From Egypt the Mysteries went to Phonecia and were celebrated at Tyre. Osiris changed his name and became Adonai or Dionusus, still the representative of the Sun. In Greece and Sicily, Osiris took the name of Bacchus.” Albert Pike 33°: “Morals and Dogma” [p. 363]
“…the murder of Dionysus by the Titans was commemorated in which legend he is evidently identified with the Egyptian Osiris, who was slain by his brother Typhon.”- Albert G Mackey's Encylopedia of Freemasonry
” …Horus, the son of Osiris, called by the Greeks Apollo. He deposed Typhon, and ruled over Egypt as its last god-king. Osiris is named Dionysus (Bacchus) by the Greeks.” – Herodotus THE HISTORY : L.1, C.144. CHAPTER 144
"Osiris or the sun was now worshipped throughout the whole world, though under different names. He wag the Mithra of the Persians, the Brahma of India, the Baal or Adonis of the Phoenicians, the Apollo of the Greeks, the Odin Of Scandinavia, the Hu of the Britons, and the Baiwe of the Laplanders." - THE THE VEIL OF ISIS; OR, MYSTERIES OF THE DRUIDS BY W. WINWOOD READE. (1861)
"the place where Osiris, the Egyptian Zagreus or Bacchus, was born, was Mount Sinai, which is called by the Egyptians Mount Nissa" - The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy By H. P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant pg. 280
"we readily recognize in Hiram Abif, one of the Grand Masters of Freemasons, the Osiris of the Egyptians, the Mithras of the Persians, the Bacchus of the Greeks, the Dionysius of the Fraternity of the Artificers, and the Atys of the Phrygians, whose passion, death and resurrection were celebrated by these people respectively. "- Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 134
"That fact we believe to have been the murder of Abel by his brother Cain."- Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 134
Osiris is the doctrine.
"Osiris represented the Secret Doctrine prior to that time when the omnific Word was lost." - Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians, by Manly P. Hall pg 147
Fourteen Parts
"Egyptians tell how the moon god Osiris was imprisoned in an ark. In all the Mystery Religions of the world, individually and cosmically, the ark represent the fountain-head of wisdom.” -The Initiates of the Flame Manly P. Hall Pg 55
"Typhon, hunting one night by the light of the moon, chanced upon it (the chest with Osiris body). Knowing its contents and realizing Isis to be proficient in magic, he resolved to thwart her purposes, and tearing the body into fourteen parts, he scattered them over Egypt." - Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians, by Manly P. Hall pg. 132
"Ambition, however, personified by Typhon, knowing that temporal power must die if divine power, in the form of truth, be reestablished, put forth all its power again to scatter the doctrine, this time so thoroughly that it should never be rediscovered. If Typhon, as Plutarch has suggested, in one of his manifestations represents the sea, then it appears that this second destruction of Osiris may refer to the Atlantean deluge by which the doctrine was swallowed or lost and its fragments scattered among all of the existing civilizations of that time. The body of Osiris, the Secret Doctrine, is divided into fourteen parts..." - Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians, by Manly P. Hall
"As with Osiris, the Great Work now consists in reuniting the fragments; the Vau, or creative phallus, being cast out of the Garden into the World." The Secret Wisdom Of The Qabalah A Study in Jewish Mystical Thought By J. F. C. Fuller pg 58
Lost Word
Osiris body representing the Secret Doctrine is divided into fourteen parts. It is the penis, the generative force, the phallus, the obelisk, which is lost. It represents Lost Word of Freemasonry, it represents the Luciferian philosophy. It represents the light, the sun, Lucifer the intellect.
"Osiris is the first of the five children of Nut; he therefore corresponds with the first of the five divine kings of China and the five exoterically known Dhyana-Buddhas of Lamaism. The five children of Nut are the five continents which have appeared upon the earth and the five races which have populated these continents. Osiris is the primitive revelation of the first race, but as Isis was born upon the fourth day, we find that this tradition coming into Egypt through the Atlantean Mystery School of which Isis is the symbol."- Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians, by Manly P. Hall pg. 147-148
The right-angled triangle is another form of this figure which is deserving of attention. Among the Egyptians, it was the symbol of universal nature; the base representing Osiris, or the male principle; - Albert G Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
“The hieroglyphic of Osiris is the All-seeing-Eye combined with the Empty ‘Throne.”– Orders of the Quest, The Holy Grail (Adept Series) by Manly P. Hall pg 15
"she (Isis) performed certain magical rites by which the body of Osiris was temporarily animated and by this animation she received from Osiris a son who was called the younger Horus, the child who was conceived of the dead."- Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians, by Manly P. Hall
"Osiris as an Egyptian deity was worshiped under the form of an ox,"– The origin of Freemasonry and Knights templar by Bennett, John Richardson, (1907) pg. 9
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Alexandrian coins of the Caesars. Showing Hermes on the Ram, entering the year as Harpocrates and leaving it for the underworld as Serapis. Later forms of Horus and Osiris |
Mufasa in Disney's movie the Lion King represents Osiris.
Osiris: The Series follows the title character "Osiris", a man with an eternally extended warranty on life. He can never stay dead. If killed, he resurrects in EXACTLY 37 minutes, eveEgyptian
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