Lost In Translation (Hiram Abiff's Name)

"Aynon, Agnon, Ajuon, and Dyon are all used in the old manuscript Constitutions for one whom they call the son of the King of Tyre, but it is evidently meant for Hiram Abif. Each of these words is most probably a corruption of the Hebrew Adon or Lord, so that the reference would clearly be to Adon Hiram or Adoniram, with whom Hiram was often confounded; a confusion to be found in later times in the Adonhiramite Rite."-An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert Gallatin Mackey

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. - Revelation 9:11 King James Version

"Hiram was a mythical figure who was the brilliant builder of the Temple. Haloed by glory and talent, he is a synthesis of two biblical figures: Huram or Hiram Abi, and Adoram, Adonhiram, or Adoniram."-The Secret History of Freemasonry  by Paul Naudon pg. 230

"But one party called him Hiram Abif, and the other, admitting that his original name was Hiram, supposed that, in consequence of the skill he had displayed in the construction of the Temple, he had received the honorable affix of Adon, signifying, Lord or Master, whence his name became Adonhiram"-An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert Gallatin Mackey

"...usually known as Hiram Abiff or, probably more accurately, Adoniram. ‘Adoniram’ is manifestly derived from ‘Adonai’, the Hebrew word for ‘Lord’, in much the same way that ‘Kaiser’ and ‘Czar’ are derived from ‘Caesar’."-The Temple and the Lodge by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh


A variation of the name of Hiram Abi."-An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert Gallatin Mackey

"Albert Pike mentions several forms of the name CHiram: Khirm, Khurm, and Khur-Om, the latter ending in the sacred Hindu monosyllable OM, which may also be extracted from the names of the three murderers. Pike further relates the three ruffians to a triad of stars in the constellation of Libra and also calls attention to the fact that the Chaldean god Bal--metamorphosed into a demon by the Jews--appears in the name of each of the murderers, Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum."-The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall pg. 77-81

"The name Hiram is taken from the Chaldean Chiram."- The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff by Manly P. Hall

"both in Hebrew and in Masonry in the name of Hiram Abiff (spelt also in the Scriptures as Huram and Churam Abiff) . Hiram Abiff has precisely the same meaning as Pythagoras, the Father-Teacher, or alternatively the Teacher from the Father. The Egyptian form of the name Hiram is Hermes, the teacher of the secret or "hermetic" science and wisdom, and the student is strongly urged to study those two important ancient treatises of Initiation-science, the Divine Pymander of Hermes and "The Shepherd* of Hermas."-Masonic Initiation W.L. Wilmshurst pg. 100

"In the word Hermaphrodite, (a word invented by the old philosophers), we find Hermes changed to Herm, signifying Chiram, or the Universal Agent, and Aphrodite, the passive principle of humidity, who is also called Venus, and is said to have been produced and generated by the sea. We also read that Hiram (Chiram), or the Universal Agent, assisted King Solomon to build the temple. No doubt as Solomon possessed wisdom, he understood what to do with the corporealized Universal Agent. The Talmud of the Jews says that King Solomon built the temple by the assistance of Shamir. Now this word signifies the sun, which is perpetually collecting the omnipresent, surrounding, electrical fire, or Spiritus Mundi, and sending it to us in the planets, in a visible manner called light."- The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff by Manly P. Hall

"The original word םריח , CHiram, is a radical word consisting of three consonants ר ח and ם i. e. Cheth, Resh and Mem. (1) ח, Cheth, signifies Chamah, the Sun's light, i. e. the Universal, invisible, cold fire of Nature attracted by the Sun, manifested into light and sent down to us and to every planetary body belonging to the solar system. (2) ר, Resh, signifies חיר Ruach, i. e. Spirit, air, wind, as being the Vehicle which conveys and collects the light into numberless Foci, wherein the solar rays of light are agitated by a circular motion and manifested in Heat and burning Fire. (3) ם, or מ Mem, signifies majim, water, humidity, but rather the mother of water, i. e. Radical Humidity or a particular kind of condensed air. These three constitute the Universal Agent or fire of Nature in one word, םריח, CHiram, not Hiram."-The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall pg. 77-81

"Chiram is a word composed of three words, denoting the Universal Spirit, the essence whereof the whole creation does consist, and the object of Chaldean, Egyptian, and genuine natural philosophy, according to its inner principles or properties. The three Hebrew words Chamah, Rusch, and Majim, mean respectively Fire, Air, and Water, while their initial consonants, Ch, R, M, give us Chiram, that invisible essence which is the father of earth, fire, air and water; because, although immaterial in its own invisible nature as the unmoved and electrical fire, when moved it becomes light and visible; and when collected and agitated, becomes heat and visible and tangible fire; and when associated with humidity it becomes material. The word Chiram has been metamorphosed into Hermes and also into Herman, and the translators of the Bible have made Chiram by changing Chet into He; both of these Hebrew word signs being very similar."- The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff by Manly P. Hall

"245. "The legend and traditions of 'Hiram Abif (for such is the rendering of the Hebrew text in Luther's Bible)' form the consummation of the connecting links between Freemasonry and the Ancient Mysteries, and sustains beyond peradventure the theory that Freemasonry dates anterior to the Deluge and the strong probability of its divine origin.

246. "We do not assert that the legend of Hiram Abif is true. We only know that it has come to us by tradition. At what time the legend of the death of Hiram Abif took the place of the older legends in the Mysteries of Persia, India, Egypt, etc., we have no information. Nor is it important for us to know; for Masonry is a succession of allegories, the mere vehicles of great lessons in morality and Philosophy.

247. "The Masonic legend stands by itself, unsupported by history or other than its own traditions ; yet we readily recognize in Hiram Abif, one of the Grand Masters of Freemasons, the Osiris of the Egyptians, the Mithras of the Persians, the Bacchus of the Greeks, the Dionysius of the Fraternity of the Artificers, and the Atys of the Phrygians, whose passion, death and resurrection were celebrated by these people respectively.

248. "For many ages and everywhere Masons have celebrated the death of Hiram Abif. That event, therefore, interests the whole world and no particular sect, order or coterie ; it belongs to no particular time, religion or people. Everywhere among the ancient nations there existed a similar allegory, and all must refer to the same great primitive fact. That fact we believe to have been the murder of Abel by his brother Cain."-Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry by Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 133-134

"In the formation of (the Masonic) degrees many of the customs of the ancient Mysteries were adopted. The third or Master's Degree, based upon the "Hiram" legend, came into use about 1723, in fact, the whole degree system was the work of the Reconstructionists."-Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry : Charles H. Vail, Rev 32 pg. 154

"We see thus that the story of Hiram is but a variation of the ancient and universal legend, in which OsirisAdonisDionysus, Balder, Hu, and many more have played the principal part. Some call Hiram a "mythical symbol." This is true, but he is also a mystical symbol. "-Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry : Charles H. Vail, Rev 32 pg. 206

"There is a definite relation between Chiram and Hermes."- The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff by Manly P. Hall

"The name Hermes is derived from "Herm," a form of CHiram, the Personified Universal Life Principle, generally represented by fire. The Scandinavians worshiped Hermes under the name of Odin; the Teutons as Wotan, and certain of the Oriental peoples as Buddha, or Fo. There are two theories concerning his demise. The first declares that Hermes was translated like Enoch and carried without death into the presence of God, the second states that he was buried in the Valley of Ebron and a great treasure placed in his tomb--not a treasure of gold but of books and sacred learning."-The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall

"H. . A. . B. .

An abbreviation of Hiram Abif"-An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert Gallatin Mackey

"Most of the Masonic documents use the initials HA for Hiram Abiff, but some of the older works referred to him as HAB. Did this mean that at some point his name had been Hiram A. Biff? Tackling the French dictionaries again, the answer was found in the verb biffer which means to strike out or eliminate. The Masonic term was not a name, but a designation: Hiram à Biffe simply means "Hiram who was eliminated."- Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry by John J. Robinson Pg. 227

"In his Anacalypsis, Godfrey Higgins writes: "The Rosicrucians of Germany are quite ignorant of their origin; but, by tradition, they suppose themselves descendants of the ancient Egyptians, Chaldeans, Magi, and Gymnosophists." (The last was a name given by the followers of Alexander the Great to a caste of naked Wise Men whom they found meditating along the river banks in India.) The consensus among these factions is that the story of Father C.R.C., like the Masonic legend of Hiram Abiff, is an allegory and should not be considered literally."-The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall

"Preston, Gould, Mackey, Oliver, and Pike--in fact, nearly every great historian of Freemasonry...

.... have all recognized in the legend of Hiram Abiff an adaptation of the Osiris myth; nor do they deny that the major part of the symbolism of the craft is derived from the pagan institutions of antiquity when the gods were venerated in secret places with strange figures and appropriate rituals."-Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins, by Manly P. Hall

"the Osiris legend which was represented in the drama of initiation. Its resemblance to the Hiramic legend of the Masonic system will be readily seen, and its symbolism will be easily understood."-An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert Gallatin Mackey

"As the legend of CHiram Abiff is based upon the ancient Egyptian Mystery ritual of the murder and resurrection of Osiris, it is natural that the sprig of acacia should be preserved as symbolic of the resurrection of CHiram. The chest containing the body of Osiris was washed ashore near Byblos and lodged in the roots of a tamarisk, or acacia, which, growing into a mighty tree, enclosed within its trunk the body of the murdered god. This is undoubtedly the origin of the story that a sprig of acacia marks the grave of CHiram. The mystery of the evergreen marking the grave of the dead sun god is also perpetuated in the Christmas tree."-The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall

"Masonry's ceremonies, symbols and the celebrated legend of Hiram in the Master Mason's degree were directly borrowed from the "Ancient Mysteries", or the secret worship of Baal, Osiris or Tamuz." Edmond Ronayne - "The Master's Carpet" [p.7]

"Hiram Abiff, a master of the Dionysian Artificers. The members of this society held the exclusive right throughout the Greek states of designing the temples of the gods, the houses of government, the theaters of Dionysius and the buildings used for the public games."- Manly P. Hall The Secret Destiny of America (1944)

"The resemblance between the Dionysiac Legend, for instance, and the Hiramic cannot have been purely accidental. The chain that connects them is easily found in the fact that the Pagan Mysteries lasted until the fourth century of the Christian era, and, as the Fathers of the Church lamented, exercised an influence over the secret societies of the Middle Ages."-An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert Gallatin Mackey

"(The Samothracian Mysteries)is a repetition of the story of OsirisBacchusAdonis, Balder, and Hiram Abiff "-The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall

"The names of nearly all the great Gods and Saviors have been associated with either the element of fire, the solar light, or its correlate, the mystic and spiritual light invisible. Jupiter, Apollo, Hermes, Mithras, Bacchus, Dionysius, Odin, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster (Zarathustra), Fo—Hi, Iao, Vishnu, Shiva, Agni, Balder, Hiram Abiff, Moses, Samson, Jason, Vulcan, Uranus, Allah, Osiris, Ra, Bel, Baal Nebo, Serapis, and King Solomon are some of the numerous deities and supermen whose symbolic attributes are derived from the manifestations of the solar power and whose names indicate their relationship to light and fire." - Melchizedek & the Mystery of Fire by Manly P. Hall pg. 10

"Hirm means an ox, the symbol of the Sun in Taurus, at the Vernal Equinox. KHURUM, therefore, improperly called Hiram, is KHUR-OM, the same as Her-ra, Hermes, and Her-acles, the "Heracles Tyrius Invictus," the personification of Light and the Son, the Mediator, Redeemer, and Saviour. From the Egyptian word Ra came the Coptic Ouro, and the Hebrew Aur, Light. Har-oeri, is Hor or Har, the chief or master. Hor is also heat; and hora, season or hour; and hence in several African dialects, as names of the Sun, Airo, Ayero, eer, uiro, ghurrah, and the like. The royal name rendered Pharaoh, was PHRA, that is, Pai-ra, the Sun."- Albert Pike Morals and Dogma

"76. "Modern Masonry being but an imitation of Ancient genuine Mysteries, the writer has no design of reading into it a meaning which cannot be fully verified. For the greater part, modern Masons are dealing with symbols, the Key for the real interpretation of which they never possessed, or even suspected that it existed. It remains for the future to determine whether any considerable number of our Masonic Brethren really desire to possess in fuller measure the Living Truth which the dead-letter text conceals. That Living Truth exists, and is as accessible to every Mason as is the dead-letter or the dumb-show under which it masquerades in every Lodge. * Dr. Buck, "Mystic Masonry."

77. "The genuine Acacia also is the thorny tamarisk, the same tree which grew up around the body of
Osiris. It is a sacred tree among the Arabs, who made of it the Idol Al-Uzza, which Mohammed destroyed. It is abundant as a bush in the desert of Thur, and of it the 'crown of Thorns' was composed, which was set on the forehead of Jesus of Nazareth. It is a fit type of Immortality on account of its tenacity of life; for it has been known, when planted as a door-post, to take root and shoot out budding boughs above the threshold."** Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma.'"-Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry by Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer pg 61-63

"Mr. Singleton, 33rd degree, after describing the mystical death in the Ancient Mysteries, says, "The Intelligent Mason will, from this, discover the origin of the Rites in the 3rd Degree of Symbolic Masonry and the 5th and 31st Degrees, A. A. S. R. . . . The Mysteries, in all their forms, were funereal. They celebrated the mystical death and revivification of some individual by the use of emblems, symbols, and allegorical representations." (History of Freemasonry and Concordant Orders, p. 73.)"-Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry : Charles H. Vail, Rev 32 pg. 205

"A very limited knowledge of the history of primitive worship and Mysteries is necessary to enable any person to recognize in the Master Mason Hiram, the Osiris of the Egyptians, the Mithra of the
Persians, the Bacchus of the Greeks, the Atys of the Phrygians, of which these people celebrated the passion, death and resurrection, as Christians celebrate to-day that of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, this is the eternal and unvarying type of all the religions which have succeeded each other upon the earth."-Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry by Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer pg 61

"Isis and Osiris and Typhon the Serpent, the Virgin, Joseph and the Christ, the story of Hiram Abiff and the three traitors of all ages, Saint George and the Dragon, the rites of Mithra and the mass of the Roman church, as well as the first presentation of all drama of all ages, races and civilizations."-The Rose Cross College by Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer

"Few candidates may be aware that Hiram, whom they have represented and personify, is ideally, and precisely the same as Christ" - Ancient Masonry Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 45

"It is Christos, or Hiram, the Mediator between the Soul, or physical man, and the Universal Spirit—the Father in Heaven."-Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry by Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer

"The murder of Hiram, his burial, and his being raised again by the Master, are symbols, both of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Redeemer; and of the death and burial in sins of the natural man, and his being raised again to a new life, or born again, by the direct action of the Redeemer; after Morality (symbolized by the Entered Apprentice's grip), and Philosophy (symbolized by the grip of the Fellow-Craft), had failed to raise him. That of the Lion of the House of Judah is the strong grip, never to be broken, with which Christ, of the royal line of that House, has clasped to Himself the whole human race, and embraces them in His wide arms as closely and affectionately as brethren embrace each other on the five points of fellowship."- Albert Pike Morals and Dogma

"Hiram, the Universal Agent, might be translated Vita the power eternally building and unfolding the bodies of man. The use and abuse of energy is the keynote to the Masonic legend; in fact, it is the key to all things in Nature. Hiram, as the triple energy, one in source but three in aspect, can almost be called ether, that unknown hypothetical element which carries the impulses of the gods through the macrocosmic nervous system of the Infinite; for like Hermes, or Mercury, who was the messenger of the gods, ether carries impulses upon its wings. The solving of the mystery of ether - or, if you prefer to call it vibrant space - is the great problem of Masonry. This ether, as a hypothetical medium, brings energy to the three bodies of thought, emotion, and action, in this manner Chiram, the one in essence, becoming three in aspect - mental, emotional, and vital. The work which follows is an effort to bring to light other forgotten and neglected elements of the Masonic rites, and to emphasize the spirit of Hiram as the Universal Agent."- The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff by Manly P. Hall

"The mysteries maintained their existence under the name of the cult of the Great Architect of the Universe (G. A. 0. T. U.), a name that has its origin in the allegory of Hiram, which represented, in the Mysteries, 'The unknown God,' the Eternal, and sole Creator of all things and the Regenerator of all beings."-Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry by Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 141

"Masonry has a truer conception than any exoteric religion, for these religions take the symbol for the Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry thing symbolized, but Masonry, in making the candidate impersonate Hiram, has preserved the original teaching. Hiram is identical with the Sun-Gods of all nations it is a universal glyph, for all real Initiation is an internal process, a regeneration, the consummation of which is the Perfect Man or Master, the goal of human evolution."-Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry : Charles H. Vail, Rev 32 pg. 196-197

"Whatever Hiram really was, he is the type, perhaps an imaginary type, to us, of humanity in its highest phase; an exemplar of what man may and should become, in the course of ages, in his progress toward the realization of his destiny; an individual gifted with a glorious intellect, a noble soul, a fine organization, and a perfectly balanced moral being; an earnest of what humanity may be, and what we believe it will hereafter be in God's good time; the possibility of the race made real."-Albert Pike Morals and Dogma


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