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The Nazi‘s thoughts of the Aryan race is not the creation of Adolf Hitler or thoughts of the German state. Its origins can be found in the teachings of the Mysteries dedicated to the occult. |
"According to Madame Blavatsky, each round of the cosmic cycle has associated with it seven root races. The first root race to evolve on earth, she calls the Astral race. It was a race of pure spirit, the highest form of existence. The second race she calls the Hyperborean race. Its home was a now vanished continent in the northern ocean. The third race was the Lemurians. Blavatsky's is clear about the reason for the fall of the Lemurian race: it had interbred with animals. The fourth race in the history revealed to Madame Blavatsky is the race of Atlantis. The Atlanteans had possessed psychic powers and had constructed giant cities using an energy source of mysterious origins. The Atlanteans were destroyed in a great flood. The fifth root race Madame Blavatsky sees as the race of hope ‐‐ the race that has once founded the culture of ancient Greece, and soon would return man to the pinnacle of spirituality. That race she named, the Aryan. By 1914, Blavatsky's mystical doctrine of the destiny of the Aryan man has spread throughout Germany and Austria. "- The Occult and the Third Reich (The SS ‐ Blood and Soil)
"The Aryan races, for instance, now varying from dark brown, almost black, red-brown-yellow, down to the whitest creamy colour, are yet all of one and the same stock — the Fifth Root-Race — and spring from one single progenitor, … who is said to have lived... at the time of the sinking of the last remnants of the great continent of Atlantis.”" - Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2, p. 249
The Arya is the aspiring Sun Initiate, a Son of the Sun. His Rune is the Ar Rune: "The `ar`, the urfyr[primal fire, god], the `sun`, the `light` will destroy spiritual as well as physical darkness, doubt, and uncertainty. In the sign of the Ar the Aryans-the sons of the sun-founded their law[Rita], the primal law of the Aryans, of which the earn, or eagle[Aar], is the hieroglyph."- Secret of the Runes, Guido von List
"Every Mystic is, whether he will or not, a born Anti-Semite." Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (1900) (Sklar, p.11)
Aryan "philosophy". Similar in sound to "Arian Heresy", or the heretical theology of Arias. This, well, blasphemy really, teaches an angel died for mankind's redemption rather than God Himself. This is exactly what the JW's teach! They teach that Michael (a lesser, created being) died as Jesus and not The Creator! Did not Isaiah prophecy of "God with us in the flesh", or to be more accurate, "God TABERNACLING with us in the flesh"? Does the Feast of Tabernacles (or Booths) not prefigure this? Is there not another Sabbath called "the 8th Day" (some say "Last Great Day") eight days after the start of Tabernacles? Indeed there is. Jesus Tabernacled with mankind at His birth, and then fulfilled the Abrahamic covenant eight days later! "Not even a jot or tittle of the Law goes unfulfilled"! Praise Jesus all you who have been "repurchased by our near kinsman" from our slavery to sin and death! More Law fulfilled! Come Lord Jesus!!!!!