The Widow’s Son
The Widow's Son: Beginning of Masonry 26/43
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Freemasons are known as "the Widow's Son". |
Isis had lost her husband through the treachery of Typhon, and gave birth to Horus as a Widow.
As Isis is the widow, seeking to restore her lord Osiris, and to avenge his cruel murder, it follows that all Master Masons or Master builders, are widow’s sons. They are the offspring of the institution widowed by the loss of the living Word, and theirs is the eternal quest—they discover by becoming.
"The followers of Manes were called "the Sons of the Widow" and the founder himself was referred to as "the Widow's Son." The popular story that Manes gained this title by being redeemed from slavery by a rich widow is about as plausible as the legend that the Order of the Garter was created in honor of the Countess of Salisbury's garter. Horus, the savior-god of the Osirian mysteries of Egypt, was a "Widow's Son." He was posthumously conceived by the holy spirit of Osiris, his murdered father. The ghost of Osiris overshadowed his sister-wife, Isis, who had dressed herself in widow's weeds to lament her dead husband. Horus, thus strangely and immaculately conceived,” – Orders of the Quest, The Holy Grail (Adept Series) by Manly P. Hall pg 14
"Manes, therefore, was not literally a widow's son, for his father survived to assist in his education. He had attained the second birth; that is, he had been born out of the womb of the Mysteries, and those of his followers who had received the initiation were identified in the same way. By his martyrdom Manes became another Osiris, Lord of the Empty Throne. He overshadowed his Order as a spirit, and from the sanctuary of Manes were born new sons to extend his doctrines, thus becoming in a mystical sense the reembodiment of himself.” – Orders of the Quest, The Holy Grail (Adept Series) by Manly P. Hall pg 15
Hiram Abiff
"Turning to Hiram, king of Tyre (the lodge treasurer), Solomon decrees that the first sign given and the first word uttered at the grave shall become part of the rule of the Master Mason's degree until That-Which-Was-Lost is discovered by future generations. All then move to the “grave” and encircle it. King Solomon. upon his first view of the body, raises his hands, palms forward (in the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress of the Master Mason), and cries, “Oh, Lord my God, is there no help for the widow’s son?”- Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry by John J. Robinson Pg. 221
"Grand Hailing Sign of Distress of the Master Mason, given with the upper arms parallel to the ground, forearms vertical with hands above the head, palms forward. For those times when the Master Mason is out of sight of possible help, or in the dark, he is taught to summon assistance with the words, “0 Lord, my God, is there no help for a Son of the Widow?” a reference to Hiram, legendary master craftsman at the building of the Temple of Solomon, about whom the initiate has as yet been told nothing. and whom Masons identify with the metalworker that scripture describes as “a son of a widow of Naphtali.”- Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry by John J. Robinson Pg. 217
"Hiram Abif being the Son of a Widow."-An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert Gallatin Mackey
"Every Master was the "widow's son". He was the continuation of the Master-line that had apparently been broken,with the death of the first Grand Master Hiram Abiff. In the initiation drama he had been assigned the role of Hiram Abiff whose mantle thus assumed became the central feature of the candidates role in the secret society. In that same role he would emulate Abiff who had died rather than give up the secrets of the Master Mason. In that role he would thwart the effects of the attack by three assassins who had wanted those secrets badly enough to kill, not caring that the murder of Hiram Abiff meant an end to the building of the unfinished temple."- Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry by John J. Robinson Pg. 270
"The widow's son, Hiram Abiff of Tyre, cast for the Qabalistic Temple of King Solomon two high pillars or pylons of bronze; their capitals were pomegranates and lily work. The lily, most likely the lotus, an emblem of life, white or male, on the right side, the pomegranate, the emblem of fecundity and plasticity, red or female, on the left side. The first was called Yakheen, the latter Boaz. These columns represented, Understanding, Binah, h, and Wisdom, 'Hokhmah, v, and between them was the Temple of Kether, y, the Father. Here we see symbols of the Former, the Harmony, and the to be Formed. All energy must have resistance, all light must have darkness, all projecture or emanation, a hollow or excavation to receive efflux. Affirmation supposes a negation; if the first androgene had not been separated into male and female, the result would have been entire sterility, as was the result as to the Seven Kings of Edom described in Genesis and the Qabbalah; and the Balance not existing, the forms did not and could not exist, and the emanation of the existences could not proceed and be manifest." The Secret Wisdom Of The Qabalah A Study in Jewish Mystical Thought By J. F. C. Fuller pg 38
"...Hiram Abiff, the son of a widow, (as all Free Masons are called because of the relation of their divine progenitor with Eve)." - Freemasonry And Catholicism By Max Heindel pg. 21
“THE MASONIC LEGEND has points of variance from as well as agreement with the Bible story. It states that Jehovah created EVE, that the Lucifer Spirit SAMAEL united with her but that he was ousted by Jehovah and forced to leave her before the birth of her son Cain, who was thus THE SON OF A WIDOW. Then Jehovah created ADAM, to be the husband of Eve, and from their union Abel (Later, known as Sons of Seth) was born. Thus from the beginning there have been two kinds of people in the world. One begotten by the Lucifer Spirit Samael (Sons of Cain) and partaking of a semi-divine nature imbued with the dynamic martial energy inherited from this divine ancestry, is aggressive, progressive, and possessed of great initiative, but impatient of restraint or authority whether human or divine.“ – Freemasonry And Catholicism By Max Heindel pg. 18
"before he (Hiram) expired he hid the hammer and disc upon which he had inscribed the Word. This was never found until ages later when Hiram, “the widow’s Son,” was reborn as Lazarus and became the friend and pupil of the Lion of Judah, who raised him from death through initiation. When the hammer was found it had the shape of a cross, and the disc had become a rose. Therefore he took his place among the immortals under the symbolical name Christian Rosenkreuz" - Freemasonry And Catholicism By Max Heindel pg. 41
The Widow's Son, in “The Lion King” is repasentative of Simba.
"(King Charles the First) was dethroned in 1647 and died on the block in 1649, leaving the Royalist party leaderless. An attempt has been made to relate the term "the Sons of the Widow" (an appellation frequently applied to members of the Masonic Order) to this incident in English history, for by the murder of her king England became a Widow and all Englishmen Widow's Sons."-The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall pg. 77-81
Jesus Christ raised the widow's son from the dead in Luke 7:11-17
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