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In the dark ages of uncertainty when reality hid its face and no man dared to know, the leering Typhon ruled his ill-gotten world, binding men to himself by breeding a thousand uncertainties to sap courage and weaken conviction.” – Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians, by Manly P Hall pg. 148-150 |
"Nut brought forth her five children... ...on the third day, Typhon or Set..."- Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians, by Manly P Hall pg. 128
Typhon, brother or half-brother of Osiris, with the aid of seventy-two other persons made a conspiracy to gain the thrown. The Queen in Ethiopia named Aso, perfected a plot against Osiris. He fashioned a chest exactly to the size of the body of Osiris. Typhon, promised this elaborately ornamented box to the one whose body, upon trial, most nearly fitted it. When Osiris himself lay down in it. Immediately the seventy-two clamped the cover up on it, fastened it with nails and poured melted lead over all the cracks and crevices. After this they carried the chest to the bank of the Nile and cast it into the river where it joins the sea. Later, Isis found it and hide it else where.
" Typhon, hunting one night by the light of the moon, chanced upon it (Osiris body in the mysterious chest). Knowing its contents and realizing Isis to be proficient in magic, he resolved to thwart her purposes, and tearing the body into fourteen parts, he scattered them over Egypt." - Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians, by Manly P Hall pg. 132
"Ambition, however, personified by Typhon, knowing that temporal power must die if divine power, in the form of truth, be reestablished, put forth all its power again to scatter the doctrine, this time so thoroughly that it should never be rediscovered. If Typhon, as Plutarch has suggested, in one of his manifestations represents the sea, then it appears that this second destruction of Osiris may refer to the Atlantean deluge by which the doctrine was swallowed or lost and its fragments scattered among all of the existing civilizations of that time. The body of Osiris, the Secret Doctrine, is divided into fourteen parts..." - Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians, by Manly P Hall
"Typhon is the embodiment of every perversity. He is the negative creation, the Ahriman of Zoroasterism. Typhon is black magic and sorcery— the Black Brotherhood (Jesuit Order)....
He is neither a single evil nor even a sequence of ills, but an infinite diversity ofthem, indescribably insidious, empowered to infect the fabric of church and state...
...He is the power of the physical universe which is constantly seeking to destroy the spiritual values locked within its substances...
...Of all good things Typhon is the opposer, occupying the position of the eternal negative. This evil monster made well be generalized under the appellation of the Adversary. In the initiation rites he also the tester or the tryer, “the lord who is against us.” he is the personification of ambition, and ambition is the patron of ruin. It was ambition that set Typhon plotting for the throne of Egypt, designing how he should destroy the power of his brother. A learned Jesuit father sees in Typhon, Cain, and his brother Osiris, Abel. If such a parallel actually exists, then the Biblical allegory is susceptible of the same interpretation.
Typhon is the desire of the few pitted against the good of the many. He is the spirit of dissension and discord that breaks up unity of purpose by setting factions against each other so that great issues lose the name of action. The desire for riches, pomp, power, and sovereignty by which this evil genius was obsessed, reveals the temptation by which humanity is deflected from its ultimate goal and led into the byways of sorrow and despair.
Typhon, the Queen of Ethiopia, and the seventy-two conspirators represent the three destructive powers, preserved to modern Freemasonry as the murderers of the Master Builder three destructive powers preserved to the modern Freemasonry as the murderers of the Master Builder. They are ignorance, superstition, and fear, (the state, the church and the mob) the destroyers of all good things.
...when the good prince Osiris, the deeper truth, returned to his own land, he became the victim of a hideous plot. What is this mysterious chest, so beautiful in its outer appearance but so fatal in its application? Plato, wise in the wisdom of the Egyptians would have answered that it was the body that lures the soul into the sorrows of generation. If this interpretation be projected into the social sphere, the chest becomes symbolic of material organization. Witness the application of this thought to Christianity where the pomp and glory of the outer show of a vast ecclesiastical mechanism has all but destroyed the simplicity and dignity of the primitive revelation...
In the dark ages of uncertainty when reality hid its face and no man dared to know, the leering Typhon ruled his ill-gotten world, binding men to himself by breeding a thousand uncertainties to sap courage and weaken conviction." - Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians, by Manly P Hall pg. 148-150
"The brother and slayer of Osiris, in the Egyptian mythology. As Osiris was a type or symbol of the sun, Typhon was the symbol of winter, when the vigor, heat, and, as it were, life of the sun are destroyed, and of darkness as opposed to light."- Albert G Mackey 33°, “Encyclopedia of Freemasonry”
"The rival and opponent of his brother Osiris, whom he destroyed. He was considered the author of all the evil in the world. As Osiris was a type or symbol of the sun, Typhon was the symbol of winter, when the vigor, heat, and, as it were, life of the sun are destroyed, and of darkness as opposed to light. "– The origin of Freemasonry and Knights templar by Bennett, John Richardson, (1907) pg. 203
"Osiris was the sun, Isis the moon. Typhon was the symbol of winter, which destroys the fecundating and fertilizing powers of the sun, thus, as it were, depriving
him of life.- Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry By R. Swinburne Clymer pg. 134
…Horus, the son of Osiris, called by the Greeks Apollo. He deposed Typhon, and ruled over Egypt as its last god-king. Osiris is named Dionysus (Bacchus) by the Greeks.” – Herodotus THE HISTORY : L.1, C.144. CHAPTER 144
".....when reality hid its face....." Sounds like the Genesis account; ".....and they (the man and his woman) were ashamed and hid themselves (as did the deciever, but where?)....." Did we not all experience something similar over the past few years? Indeed. It's called a "nibaq". It's a form of a "hijab". The ignorant sheeple were SO willing to comply to their overlords wishes, they all ran and hid themselves! Not I! Come Lord Jesus!!!!!