People And The Rose Page 2

Many people use The Rose to reveal what they can not or will not say with words.  

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Pope John Paul I, born Albino Luciani was pope August 26 1978 until September 28 1978. His Papacy only lasted 33 days due to his sudden death which is surrounded in mystery and controversy.

Metropolitan Nikodim, secular name Boris Georgiyevich Rotov, died on Sept. 5th, 1978 during a reception of Pope John Paul I in Rome the death was ruled as heart attack.

Antonio Da Ros  was John Paul I´s personal doctor.

Pia Luciani, Pope John Paul I was her uncle.

Roger Bacon was an English monk who made wonderful discoveries in many sciences.

Christian Rosenkreuz (Rosenkreutz), was called founder of the Rosae Crucis. His name meaning he was  "Christed" and Rosenkreutz being German for rose cross.

Helena Petrova Blavatasky was one of probably the most famous of the founders of the Theosophical Society. Her magnum opus is one of the major foundational works of Theosophy entitled, "The Secret Doctrine".

Jordan Maxwell is a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. -

JosĂ© Rizal was a Filipino nationalist, novelist, poet, ophthalmologist, journalist, and revolutionary. He is widely considered one of the greatest heroes of the Philippines.

AndrĂ©s Bonifacio (November 30, 1863 – May 10, 1897) was a Filipino nationalist and revolutionary leader. He is often called "the Father of the Philippine Revolution".

Blanquefort Family The Blanquefort Family includes Pope Clement V,  sixth Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and  Grand Master of the Order of Malta.

Presidents of the Philippines....

Art Bell is an American broadcaster and author known as one of the founders and the original host of the paranormal-themed radio program Coast to Coast AM.

Max Heindel was selected by the Brothers of the Rose Cross to give out publicly the Western Wisdom Teachings.

Leo Pasvolsky was born in Russia. His New York Times obituary is subtitled "Wrote Charter of World Organization."

Prophet Zoroaster (Zarathustra) founded Zoroastrianism in ancient Iran.

Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish knight from a local Basque noble family, hermit, priest since 1537, and theologian. He also formed the Society of Jesus (Jesuits).

Benjamin Fulford claims to be spokesman for The White Dragon Society which was formally know as The Black Dragon Society.

Daikaku Chodoin is the founder and president of the United World Karate Association, which combines all five iemoto with an estimated 50 million practitioners around the world.

Robert LaVoy Finicum was an American militant, author, and cattle rancher involved in the 2014 Bundy standoff and the 2016 occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Murdered by the FBI January 26, 2016, in Harney County, Oregon, United States.

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